As a WiseTraders member, you’ll have easy access to all of your subscriptions through your own membership page.
Your active subscriptions will appear as a colored tile while the inactive ones will be locked and greyed out. Simply click on the colored tile with your subscription name and you will be redirected into the relevant program.
Upon launching your subscription, you’ll notice that the program is divided into several main sections.
There are three universal sections that appear across all the different subscriptions: Training Vault Videos, Training Vault Guides, Tools and Communications.
Training Vault Videos: Contains our unique training videos to help you easily learn and understand our method step-by-step.
Training Vault Guides: Consists of our comprehensive written guides which outline the basics in an easy-to-understand manner.
Tools: Your trader’s platform. It contains all the trading tools you’ll need and this is where you’ll be spending most of your time.
Communications: Direct access to our Help Centre which can immediately address many common user issues. If you need additional help, simply “Submit a Ticket” and our support team will be in touch.
Each program will have a vertical navigation bar on the far left-hand side of the page. This is designed to help you quickly navigate through the various sections in your program.
Depending on your browser’s default settings, it may be “collapsed” or “expanded” by default. To collapse or expand this navigation bar, click on the “hamburger” icon located beside the relevant program’s name.
You can then easily access your education materials and trading tools by scrolling down the navigation bar and clicking on the relevant applications.
The “Go To” button allows you to quickly access your other subscriptions without having to go through the main membership page.
Remember you can open multiple applications in new tabs by using right-click or equivalent.
The Platform button is located at the top right corner of your browser window. We call this the “menu bar” area. It gives you quick access to your trader’s platform.
Upon launching the platform, you will have quick access to our global tools such as the OVI Charts, Trade Journal, News Feed and the tools you’ve subscribed for.